
For those that have started some thing from scratch it is unavoidable that there will be an evolution of design, purpose and mission.

The Encouragers Life isn't immune to that.

The Encouragers Life's 3 Foundation Pillars.  Literacy. Self. Spirit.  About us page infographic.

What started as a desire to help, connect and share has developed in to something that is building upon three core passions; literacy, self-help and spiritual encouragement.

Pillar One- Literacy

I personally struggled with reading, writing and public speaking.  Especially when I was younger.  I had a stutter and still wrestle with it from time to time to this day.  Even though school was the one place that made me feel stupid, I liked to learn.  And above everything else, I loved stories.  

Having had negative things spoken over me academically I have been able to succeed when others doubted.  I have spent my life encouraging young people through decades of youth support work that what others say about you in their moment of weakness doesn't mean that that will be the life you lead.

This came close to home when my child arrived in our lives.  Perfect and unique, my child would be the key to unlocking my potential as a writer.

Negative words and limitations were spoken over his life as autism came to the table as a topic of conversation.  

They told me all the things he wouldn't be able to do.  I decided to let him decide whether he would speak, play, pretend, etc. for himself.

Thus began months of play, making up games that became stories that we made in to parody songs. And the result was giving birth to my first book, Hip Hooray and Robot Ray Go Sailing.

Suddenly language began to flow for my little one.  Pretend became easier. Play became more eventful and when it came to the time tolearn how to read, the familiar stories helped with word recognition. 

I witnessed firsthand the power of literacy.
And I am determined to give the opportunity for that gift to others.

The Encouragers Life will and is creating its own catalogue of material that it will advertise and make available in different ways.  I will update as the offers come and go.

The Encouragers Life visits schools and different locations to bring story and song to young audiences.

Books for adults to enjoy will be coming early January 2024.

If you would like to support, you can purchase books, resources or any memorabilia that The Encouragers Life develops.  You can check out the Shop for more information.  

For those who are aiming to write their own stories and creations but don't have the time or confidence, the Book Buddy Program is available.  

If you are just looking for a second set of eyes and a sounding board that can give suggestions, you can email theencouragerslife@gmail.com or drop a message in the contact form below and we can negotiate a bespoke arrangement.

Pillar Two. Self.  The Encouragers Life's Three Pillar Infographic. Literacy. Self- help. Spirit
Pillar One- Self (Help)

We all have that one friend who has been through hard things and has lived to tell the tale.  I am that said friend.  

I started The Encouragers Life out of a traumatic event left me scouring the internet to see if anyone else had lived through was I was living through as a foster carer at the time.  

The worst thing was I couldn't find it.
No one else was talking about what I was searching for.
The fact was, I wasn't the only one.
I just couldn't find anyone else to talk to about it.

I didn't want anyone else to feel the pain that I went through.
And so I began to make effort to heal and develop myself as a communicator to try and help those that would come behind me and suffer the same fate as what I went through.

Whenever I share about my life and past experiences it is with the intent to start discussion, help the reader feel connected and above all, to encourage.

You can join the emailing list to get The Little Book of Encouragements which gives you a glimpse in to me.  You can do so by saying hi in the contact form  at the bottom of the page.

Below are some articles:

You can see more in the Posts tab.  Click 'See More."

Books on my stories will be coming your way mid 2024.

Pillar Three- Spirit.  The Encouragers Life's Three Pillar Infographic. Literacy. Self- help. Spirit
Pillar Three- Spirit

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my faith and so it is natural to encourage fellow believers or those wishing to explore Christianity in a safe and encouraging way.

Below are some articles:

From Then To Now

 You can see more in the Posts tab.  Click "See More."


If you have any questions, queries or requests you can connect with The Encouragers Life in three ways.

1. Contact Form at the bottom of the form.
2. Email theencouragerslife@gmail.com
3. On social media: Instagram / Facebook

Thank you for your time.

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