The Wonders of A Backpack

Details of the book referenced in this article will be listed at the end. As I rolled around my back garden, developing games with my child, I never could have predicted the depth they would also bring to my walk through life. My story of Hip Hooray and Robot Ray sailing the sea only to be eaten by a whale, involves, in every moment, the backpack that Hip carries with her on their journey. Even though he has grown up. My child and I still play the game. We still sing the song. We still talk about the story. And most recently the backpack has become a focus of our deeper discussions. I was surprised and humbled that God had made His way into a funny song and story. Making me see that He is part of the story. In the book, the backpack is something they open up when they face troubles. The backpack is something they carry wherever they go. They rely on the backpack always. Much like how Christians rely on God. ...